The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Joy to the World

16.5 hours later the garage door is open. Took Dad & I (along with the help of some lumber) all of our muscles and about 10 minutes of our time. I backed the car out and then we closed the door again. Anyone want to take bets as to how long the door stays broken for?

I did manage to get a few things done today. As long as I don't get in major trouble at work, all in all, it was a decent day. All my holiday gifts and cards are in the mail. I got the grocery shopping done and did some (more!) decorating for Mom. Mom slept most of the day. We have a feeling she OD'ed (again). I mentioned to Dad about me taking the medication 100% of the time. This is the 2nd time this has happened in less then 3 months. I'm at my whits end. With me being home so much lately there is no reason I can't handle the medication. As my Dad so nicely put it..."Yeah, you are a controlling Bitch, it might be a good idea." What a shocker...I'm controlling. I'm a bitch. Tell me something I don't know. Oh yeah...add in that I'm a cheap bastard.

Late last night, while I was trying to cry myself to sleep I was thinking about getting up and blogging about conditional friends. I was crying to much to blog. The friend that I was going to refer to came thru (again). I decided my #1 New Years resolution is going to be to work on my patients or lack there of.

I talked to P more today then I have in the past 2 months. I just want things to be socialable. She needs to borrow something tomorrow and then later we bowl. We shall see. I'll keep praying for her.


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