I'm fighting to stay awake and watch some of the Monday Night Football game (GO VICK GO!), but its a bloody battle. It was rough trying to stay awake, then I was playing with my cat...which meant I had to take a ton o' benedryl. Sleepy medecine head!
The Detroit Red Wings left for training camp today. On the news this morning, they were showing clips of the last played season, while talking about this coming year. 4 of the 5 shots I saw were a player (#13 Datsyuk) that's not playing with the Wings this season. Silly clips to show if you ask me.
I did call the teen pregnany/family life center today regarding volunteering. The classes are all at night, but ALL the volunteering is M/W/F 09:00 until 15:00. Guess that answered my internal question.
I have to figure out what I want out of creating a distance between myself & the world. Without knowing my goal, its hard to reach it.
Gma got mugged in Meijer's parking lot yesterday, in daylight. Not cool! Its a store that I've shopped at since I was a little kid. I remember times, as a teenager, when a new CD was coming out...Butt & I would wait there at midnight to get it! I'd like to find the punks that mugged her and beat the living shit out of them...but that won't happen, so I'll pray for them.
I'm missing ST, my friend, lately. A lot. I don't know why...just am. Maybe because the last time I really talked to him, things weren't going that hot for him & I need to know he's okay. Maybe because I'm me.
T out.
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