The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Two Souls

Jo & I just walked 2+ miles. I'm back on board with the drinking tons of water, the eating well & working out gig full force at 05:00 tomorrow. I will get skinnier, I will be healthier.

I hate feeling like I offend people with my faith, its not my intention at all. I try to not come off as one of those over the top, pushy religious people. I have my believes and I wish everyone believed the way I do, but to each their own. I can't save the world, nor do I try, that's for God to do. I do my best to respect everyones ideas, I just wish everyone could do the same for others.

I'm a little bothered. I called ST last Wednesday, just to check in & chit chat. Got his VM, haven't heard from him. I'm not worried or anything, its just weird. I'm terrible at calling him, returning his calls, etc. Maybe he's giving me a taste of my own medicine or he's probably just busy job hunting, getting ready to move, or something like that. At what point, is it okay for me to call him again? I'm doing so well mentally, that I'm at a good point to talk to him. My luck, ST will call in like a week, when I'm mood-swing USA or something.

T out.


At Tuesday, September 06, 2005 9:28:00 PM, Blogger Jerry Hanel said...

Just surfing through bogdom. Thought I'd leave you a bit of encouragement. I, too, am always considering if I've offended. Hebrews tells us to pursue peace with all men (12:14). But that same verse refers us to pursue holiness as well. It also states that without holiness, we will not see God.

Okay. Now my question... Did that offend you or encourage you? If you share your beliefs in a loving manner (i.e. not "You're so wrong and going to hell, blah blah blah") it should be taken very well. Most of all, let God's word speak through you by keeping a consistent relationship with Him. (ahem.. quiet time)

I applaud you for your blog being blatant about your beleifs. Not very many of those these days. Keep it up. =)


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