The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Where There Is Faith

Avoiding sleep and/or life...

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die

1. Get married.
2. Get a college degree
3. Travel outside of North America.
4. Have children.
5. Get a tattoo.
6. Go skydiving.
7. Go on a hot air balloon ride.

7 Things I Can Do

1. Sleep.
2. Pick up things with my toes.
3. Talk.
4. Drive a car with a manual transmission.
5. Play euchre.
6. Read.
7. Type 80 wmp.

7 Things I Can't Do

1. Dance.
2. Sleep in a car.
3. Keep my bedroom clean.
4. Keep the entire world happy.
5. Quit my job tomorrow.
6. Make people love me.
7. Ride carnival rides.

7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex

1. Eye color.
2. Hair color.
3. Friendliness.
4. Personality.
5. Butt.
6. Build.
7. Smile.

7 Things I Say Most Often

2. Right on.
3. Interesting
4. What?
5. I'll pray for you.
6. Whatever works for you.
7. Sure.

7 Celebrity Crushes

1. Tim McGraw.
2. Darren McCarty.
3. Kenny Chesney.
4. Cal Ripken Jr.
5. Derek Jeter.
6. Nick Lachey.
7. Brad Pitt (even though I think he's a jerkball!).

That's all folks.


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