The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, February 05, 2007

I Will Lift My Eyes

So, Blogger made me switch to the NEW Blogger. Gag. I didn't have a desire to switch, but whatever. I doubt I'll use any of the new least, not anytime soon.

Church was great yesterday. The message was about GRACE. When I actually have my Bible/Notebook on the same floor as me, I'll type more about this.

I haven't slept good lately. The past 2 days have been hell, when it comes to my sleep. My friend and I were supposed to go to his parents tonight. I'm not going, I came home (whatever you want to call it) to take a nap instead. People just don't understand its just not as easy as..."SLEEP if you are tired." "You are doing it to yourself, just go to sleep", etc. Like its THAT easy.

Yesterday when I was getting ready for Church, the little tempature thing said it was -1.7 here. I thought THAT was cold. Well, this morning before work it was -6.5 (that's without the windchill). I'm moving to AZ yet!

God is love!


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