The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My List

I have a pimple on my left temple. It hurts like hell.

25 people got "laid off" at the other adminstation building last week. 12 more people are getting "laid off" this week. We think they will be from the other building again...but we really have no idea. They are now saying my department is overstaffed (which we are a little). I just want it to be Monday already. I don't think I'm in danger...but that means NOTHING.

Today is the beginning of Lent. Dating a Catholic again makes this all interesting. I refuse to cook today (or any Friday during Lent). My friend still hasn't decided what he's doing/giving up for least, he hasn't told me yet. Last I heard, the idea was ice cream. To know him, is to know that's a HUGE challange.

I was scheduled to Gma-sit starting tomorrow after work until Monday morning (they wanted me longer...but I'm busy next week). Well, JOY TO THE WORLD! I only have to stay Sunday night!!! WAHOOO!!!

God is love!


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