The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Friday, June 11, 2010

I know I haven't blogged in a LONG time.
Let's see...I am now happily married!  The transition from single life to married life is going well.
The mental health doctors are messing with my meds again, and I still don't think they are working.  They don't want to try me on another meds...just raise the doses.  ANNOYING!  They are giving me nothing for anxiety or A.D.D. 
Tomorrow is our open house reception at my parent's house.  I am excited but semi-stressed.  Weather might be bad.  I am finding out the hard way who my real friends and family are through this wedding stuff.  I can't believe we got 36 out of 99 responses back.  About 5 people verbally said yes/no.
My step-son (who is away at college but lives here when not there) is home for the weekend.  He just broke up with his GF of 2 years.  My husband & I are taking it hard.  The part that is bugging me right now is...he comes home & really breaks up with her (they broke up last week but it was over phone/texts) and leaves to go out with his friend & 3 single girls.  I really liked his GF.  She made me more comfortable around step-son.
God is love!