The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pop Lock And Drop It

I got new tires & an alinement on my car yesterday. I'm SO proud of me. No one can understand what a huge task this was for anti-social, social phobic T. It was HUGE! I feel SO good about it. I keep smiling going "I got new tires. I got new tires all by myself."

I was in a really good mood today, but now I just got annoyed with my friend. Let me just say ERRRRRRR. I'll leave it at that, at least, for now.

I was going to go to JM's baseball game tonight, but its storming right now. Hmmmm.

I'm VERY LIKELY getting a new fancy digital camera this weekend or next. I can't wait. If my friend doesn't cooperate in getting it for/with me...then Shell to the rescue! See, its at Sam's Club about $50-100 cheaper then anywhere else. Can only buy it at the stores...I'm not buying a Sam's Club membership when my friend has one. There's no point for 2 of us in 1 house to have one...if he won't go to Sam's and buy it...then Shell will do it for me! At least...I think she will! I'm so excited. Its a fancy camera with a HUGE screen, great zoom, and lots of other stuff too.

This weekend I was going to go upnorth to visit my cool grandparents, or to visit ST in Cincinnati...but it appears that won't be happening. ERRRRR.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Just wondering if this works at all...

I just feel like crying.  I think I'm going to go downstairs and do just that.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Here And Now

Last night was kinda crappy. Shortly after midnight, my friend's phone rang (we had been in bed for about 30 minutes). It was his brother (J). They had taken his Mom back to the ER. I had no details yet, except to know she's now home again.

This 3 day weekend is going to suck. Crappy weather, no plans. I might go see Jax today. I might go to Shell & J's for a BBQ tonight (but my friend is going to his parents & the weather isn't going to be BBQ weather). Just BLAH!

I'm missing ST this weekend. Its supposed to be us camping this weekend dammit. Oh doesn't work out as planned!

God is love!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lone Ranger

I know the internet is crazy random place. I know my blog is on the internet. I know my blog is set to public. I've got a feeling that might changing. I don't want to change it, but some people are a little stalker like and that's annoying. I don't want to have to make this place an invitation only place...but I've got to do what's best for me. We shall see.

I'm happy to report that my friend's Mom got released from the hospital about 2 hours ago. YAY!

The A/C broke at work today. Shock shock. Happens like 10 times a year...but it sucks EVERY time. Of course, the hottest day so far (88) and the A/C dies. ERRRRRRRR.

I've been asked "When are you and your friend getting married?" a million times lately. Its getting old and almost annoying. I love him to pieces, I'd marry him a heartbeat...but I'm OKAY with NOT getting married anytime soon. I'm just not in a hurry. I don't feel my biologicial clock ticking at all. I wish I could explain it better...but yeah.

Have I mentioned I hate that Blogger won't let me change the time of the post?!?! Its aways WRONG! By an hour+

God is love!

Monday, May 21, 2007

When I Get Where I'm Going

My friend's Mom is out of surgery. (I think I posted...she had her knee replaced). She's doing well. My friend thinks the hard part is over...having been thru the same surgery with family members 4 times...I know its just the beginning!

Work was interesting today. The cuts just keep coming. Friday was the first one I've been HAPPY about. I'm evil I know. The quality assurance person got the boot. Where she was a nice person, she was KNOWN to be 2 faced, didn't put in her 45 hours ever, AND when she was there she spent LOTS of time talking to a supervisior. So, like I said...I'm happy she's gone!

The Bachelor season finale is tonight. My pick is Tessa. Dancing with the Stars ends tonight or pick is Apollo!

God is love!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Last Dollar

So, we had a surprise party for J last night. He had NO CLUE! Great!!!! I had a good time. Drank more then I should have...but I'll live to talk about it.

TOY's baseball game yesterday. His team won, he played well in the field. He was 1 for 3 at the plate...with 2 strike outs.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Who I Am

I'm alive and basically well.

I've got a decent amount of stress going on, thanks to my Mom's family. As terrible as this is going to sound...just need to VENT.

As much as I adore some members of Mom's family, there are others that I HATE, that make my life (and my mom/dad/Jo's) hell, that my life will be better then they are dead. Its getting to the point that I almost want to break off ALL contact with ALL of Mom's family so I don't have to deal with the people that I can't stand, are making my life harder, etc.

Off to TOY's opening day of baseball soon. TOY's first year of real baseball (where kids pitch!) JM's opening day was last weeked, and then went to his game Monday too. JM amazes me! He's SO good! He plays an age group older then he has to and he's the smallest on his team and one of the best! And I'm not saying that because I'm his Aunt! Obviously, to be playing with older kids he's got to be better then most. He was the starting pitcher on Monday. 1st inning, the 3rd out was a strike out...the next inning, he struke out the side!

We've got a semi-busy stressful day today. Baseball, then shopping and getting stuff done, then we've got to set up for a party, then PARTY. I'll just be glad when I can start partying! I'm stressed about this party...but that's what I do. Chances are at 19:30 everything will be fine...but until then. AHHHH!

God is love!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

By His Wounds

Yesterday SUCKED. SUCKED. S-U-C-K-E-D! 24 hours later, I think my biggest problem with yesterday is I can't figure out WHY I snapped SO bad. The short version, they changed our CPU's at work and I LOST it! I was there for 2 hours and did maybe 15-20 minutes of work! I took a Xanax (but probably to late) and it just made things worse. I was a sobbing bitc*ing mess. I left at 08:00 and will try again Monday. I can't recall EVER flipping out so bad at a work situation. It just wasn't pretty.

How about my Tigers? They are off to a great start, leading the Central division again. Lets just hope on the last day they are in the lead this year!

Now...for the more important sport of the moment...How about my Detroit Red Wings playing in the Western Conf Finals?!!?!!?! We won game one! Yay! 7 more wins until Stanley comes home. To bad those Sabres fans can't say their team won game one. ;-)

JM's opening day for baseball is today. I'm planning on going. I hope (but doubt) my friend will come with me. Then we are off to Detroit Science Center to see a cool human exhibit. I haven't been to the Science Center in YEARS (like a good 15!) I'm hoping we really GO!

I'm annoyed with my Mom. Saturday and Sunday are my days to catch up on sleep. I didn't have my alarm set until 10:35 today (chances are likely I wouldn't make it that late...but still!). Mom felt a need to call me at 07:40. NICE. ERRRRRRRRRRRR!

Happy Saturday.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sometimes By Step

I feel like I'm going to vomit. Lovely. There are no sheets on the bed so I can't lay dow. I can't find the extra ones. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I hate being a sleep princess.

God is love!

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Yesterday didn't go as planned, in the slightest!

The "plan" was to go garage saling, then watch the Wings game, go to my friend's parents house (cause family was in from out of town), then to meet up with Chelle (of David's friends) for a bit, then to hang out with my friend's friends for a birthday.

Well...I did get to go garage saling (and got a good workout, I borrowed J's bike and just biked the entire subdivision about 5 times over). Didn't find anything I had to have. Almost bought a jacket for myself, a Christian kids CD set (for me or whoever, I don't know), and some cool toy stuff for Jax.

Then, I got home and made me a sandwich and sat down to watch the hockey game. Knowing my head was bugging me I took a migraine pill & grabbed an ice pack. Well, I ate about 1/2 my sandwich, watched about 1/2 of the first period of the hockey game...and then I had to go lay down. My head was hurting SO bad, I was going to puke, couldn't see straight...all that fun migraine stuff. My friend woke me up in time to watch the 3rd period of the hockey game and my head was hurting but not that bad.

We start getting ready to go out for the night, with my head still just bugging me. Then we find out that my friend's family from out of town left earlier then we aren't going there. Then...MY HEAD STARTS POUNDING AGAIN...WORSE! So, I spent the rest of my night in a fetal position on the living room floor with an ice pack. At some point, I took a bath and got into bed. I'm happy to report, at this head feels FINE! THANK GOD!! My friend did manage to go out for his friend's he's still sleeping.

I've somehow, got to find a way to get more confident in my relationship. I'm just nervously paranoid that every time he's with someone other then me, J, or Shell...that they are telling him that I'm bad for him. The rational part of my head knows I'm probably crazy...but the crazy part of my head freaks out about this more often then I should.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!

Friday, May 04, 2007

I Smile

I'm happy to report that my laundry is done!!!! I know the world will be a better place now that I don't have to walk around naked tomorrow.

God is love!

Going In Blind

So, another work week is done. Yay! Work actually has been tolerable lately. Changes, changes, changes...but I guess that's life.

No real plans for this weekend.

The subdivision is having the big garage sale this I'll probably go shopping tomorrow morning.

Stupid things I've done or said lately:

* When answering the phone at work (having NO clue who was on the other end of the line) "How can I help you SIR?" Of course, it was a female on the other end of the line...and she actually was paying attention to what I said.
* When answering the phone at work "Thanks for TALKING company name"
* Said to my friend about why I was in my pajamas but wanted to go out for dinner "But...I had to talk on the phone." Apparently, one must be in pajamas to talk on the phone.

I was talking to ST on the phone the other day, and got a little sad or something. Its silly & strange. ST was talking about these girls that people want to set him up with. Now, every single ounce of me wants that boy happy! He deserves the world! Yet, the thought of him dating bothers me, for me own (like usual) self-centered reasons. I know how most females operate. Most wouldn't be able to handle dating someone that is such good friends with his ex-fiance. I feel like I've been thru hell and back with him, as my boyfriend, fiance, friend, and the thought of us not being friends just sucks. Its all confusing. I hope I make some sense to someone other then myself. I love you, ST. ;-)

God is love!