The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CRAZY past few days...

Saturday, our wedding shower was SUPER.

Sunday, one of my best friends, Chelle (she lives in Farmville USA and goes to my Church) had a crazy thing happen and has a .5% chance of life right now.  Chelle was at my shower, we were at a gathering after my shower too and she was FINE.  That .5% chance of life doesn't even include the fact that she'll have to have a heart transplant.

I mention ST was getting married Saturday, well, his Grandfather passed away Saturday.  I know nothing else. 

My heart is just breaking in a million pieces.

God is love.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Invitations hit the mail TODAY!  I am so excited with how things are coming together.

I can't wait to get the first RSVP in the mail.

God is love.

Okay...its nearly 5AM and I am awake.  Problem #1.

This post is going to sound kinda bridezilla like, but I have to vent and this blog is one of the few places I can do that.

We are getting married in 23 days.  Fiance still has nothing to wear.  I'm just getting annoyed with him and his lack of desire to find something, his lack of regard for my opinion on what he should wear (and NOTE...when I had my dress narrowed down to three, I let him vote & ended up get his favorite).  I have done so much stuff, just get an outfit already.  We are talking like khaki's and a nice shirt.  Not mission impossible.  Ugh.  I want to say wear whatever you want, blah blah blah...but if I don't push him, he won't get it done.

I understand that he is our breadwinner, he needs to work (and he works VERY hard!)  This is his company's busiest time of year.   Well, then WHY did YOU decide on May??!?!  He jokes about it, and says stuff about flying down later/coming home earlier and stuff like that.  Not funny.

The Shower is this Saturday.  The women of our Church are hosting it.  Its mainly Church people then a few of my closest friends & lovely family.  WHY can't people RSVP?  Why can't people RSVP to the people on the invite?  I know its easier and more comfortable for people to RSVP to me, but ugh.  Lesson learned, I won't be doing that to brides/moms-to-be regarding their showers in the future.  This is how crazy my family Aunt, (Great Aunt...Gpa's sister) instead of calling the woman from Church listed on the invitation, she calls my Gma, then Gpa calls my Dad.  I know in the grand scheme of life and weddings, its not a big deal at all...just venting.

And, another thing about showers, I'm learning.  Buy stuff on the peoples registry!  Now, I know that sounds totally rude & me, that's NOT the case at all.  It takes time to register and the people register for what they want/need.  So far, from the looks of it...the great majority of people didn't buy stuff from our registry.  I don't think I've ever went to a shower and bought something not on the registry, but from now on...I'll make SURE its on there! 

Mom's health has been bad lately.  I'm worried that she won't be able to go to the shower or if able to go, won't remember it...and having a shower was mainly for her, to make her happy.  She wants me to do some traditional wedding stuff, and having a shower was one of them.

ST, my ex-fiance, who I remain semi-friendly with...and I have exchanged wedding related emails this week.  Its been nice.

One shouldn't blog at 5AM because she sounds like a bit*h and probably has horrible spelling and grammar errors.  Hope my readers will still love me in two days.

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I am getting married in 25 days!  I am still calm and very excited.  All the plans are going so smoothly.  I am very happy with how wedding details are working themself out.  With the financial resources we had, I couldn't be happier with how we are doing things.  Our wedding shower is next weekend.  Our Pastor's daughter (she is 17 & a junior in high school) is going to sing a song at the shower, it was Fiance's idea and since we won't be playing any games, I think it will be cool & different.  She is a super talented singer.  I started moving some stuff to Fiance's house thsi weekend.  Its just one side of Farmville USA to another.  I moved 98% of my scrapbooking stuff (and, let me tell you...its A LOT of stuff).  I get my own room for scrapbooking!  At least, until (if) we are blessed with children.  My goal is to be all moved in by May 2.
Mom's health hasn't been good lately.  She has had so many seizures lately.  She hasn't had this many seizures since she went to Mayo Clinic a few years back.  I know I sound selfish sayin this, but I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!  Plus, I need/want my Mom healthy and in this world for my shower & the other events going on.  Its important to me and her.  Pray, pray, and pray some more.
For the first time in nearly 14 months, I am missing Jo.  Its almost like the 14 horus I got to see her a few weeks ago did more harm then good.  Of course, I miss her adore son Squishy like crazy too!
God is love!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Up top, we have Mom & Squishy...

Then, very tired Aunt T & Squishy...

Then, Squishy showing off his fancy ball glove his Papa got him.

Friday, April 09, 2010

So much of this is going to sound like a repeat, but sadly it's not.

UGH! At what point of having a cold do you throw in the towel and go to the doctor? I was feeling like crap then okay for a few days (never great, just okay) and now, since Wednesday, I am SICK again. My stomach muscles hurt so bad that I can barely walk, from coughing so much. I literally have went through 4 boxes of kleenex in 4 days. Besides drinking tons of Vernors, I don't think I've hit 500 calories of real food lately. I am not sleeping more then an hour here and an hour there. I am so yucky, tired, bored, sad, stressed.

HELLO, I am getting married in like 35 days, I do NOT have time for this. Getting married AND moving. NO TIME FOR THIS ILLNESS!

I did get to see my cute new nephew, Squishy, for a total of 14 hours while I was feeling okay. Dad and I drove 800 miles straight, ate dinner, visited, slept a tad (Dad slept way more), drove 500 miles, stayed at a hotel for a short night, drove the rest of the 300 miles home. 54 hours, 28 hours in the car. A TINY car, 3 adults on the way home. Fun stuff. BUT, I did get to see Squishy!

I'll make another post of some pics from the quick trip.

Somewhere during this sickness, I picked up my fitted wedding dress. YAY! But not so yay, its not as comfortable as it used to be (they added this nasty hard stuff to the top of the dress, to make it stay up better since its strapless and I'm boob challenged), plus the bustle is so complicated for it to be such a simple sweep train. Chances are, I won't bustle it at all, or if I will be just that...I will do it. Take dress off, bustle, and put back on. I just don't like the dress as much as I did to start with (probably the lack of comfort issue since I'm a jeans and tshirt type) and that makes me sad. Oh well. It will all work itself out. Others are trying their best it seems to make me go all crazy bride. My answer to most wedding things are "I don't care." "Whatever works for you" or something like that. I am excited for the wedding, but so much more excited about the marriage and our life together. A wedding is a day, a marriage is forever.

At the end of 7th grade, I broke my right ankle. Bad. That would have been June of 1992. Those that say when its healed, its healed can bite me right now.

God is love.