The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Shoot To Kill

My family is driving me 100% fu*king crazy. That's actually an understatement. I can't stand how DISRESPECTFUL my little sister is towards EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in this house. I can't stand how lazy my Dad is and how he lets things go until they are broken beyond repair. I can't stand how my Mom makes her health problems worse, how she manipulates my Dad.

Now, I am by no means, innocent. I am SURE I do plenty of things that bug the crap out of my family...especially little sister. Heck, I know my OCD/ADD issues drive her and dad batty.

Right now, I am sick. I've got a kill sore throat and sinus infection going. For other health reasons, I can't take/do a lot to improve things but let it run its course. I am so hungry, but swallowing hurts. I am so tired, but can't sleep. And I will be the first to say I am VERY crabby, emotional, moody.

I was dreading New Years like the plague. I am sadly glad I feel like crap because its a little less of a reminder that I am single and chilling at my 'rents house.

God is love!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Malted Milk

For starters...MERRY CHRISTMAS. I am so thankful and grateful that God sent his Son to walk this Earth.

Now onto my life. For the first time I can remember in my 29 years, I didn't get Christmas pajamas from my parents. As silly as that sounds, it makes me sad...but really, not that sad. Just ya know.

I did get a few things I really wanted this year...a bluetooth headset (which doesn't want to stay on my ear, no matter what!), CD holder, Scrapbooking pens and adhesive, belt organizer, and the NKOTB Greatest Hits CD...amongst other things. No Ove Gloves though. For as much as I mentioned those damn things...but I think they are still to come. I also did get chapstick & windshield wipers from my friend. Yes, my friend is still fabulous and knows me SO well.

We will be celebrating with Dad's side of the family on Saturday. Another day to dread.

I've been bored out of my mind most of the day and depressed. Another Holiday spent single, another Holiday depressed, lonely, and bored.

My Dad has been on a man hunt like no other for me. At first it was funny, now its adding to my depression. Its like pouring salt onto my single wound.

Lets see...I've got health issues, no job, live with my parents, am single. Sounds like a craptastic life to me.

God is love!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Interesting...this is my 1,414th post since I started this blog.

I hate how I go from being a good mood to crazy suicidal in a matter of minutes. The meltdown tonight is over a broken toilet, my Mom not wanting to wake my Dad, and general frustration about things being broken in this house. This house is just over 9 years old and I swear, its like its 50! Our old house that my parents lived in for 21 years (which was about 20 years old when they bought it) was in MUCH better condition and that was with 3 children abusing it on a daily basis.

I did a lot of work tonight in my room. I still have a LONG way to go, but whatever. This room will NEVER be how I want, but right now its not even close. The more work I do in here lately, the worse it looks. Due to lack of space, I have thrown so much GOOD stuff away. Stuff I could have EASILY gotten $500 for on Craigslist. I just didn't have the time/space. I have no idea what I am going to do with my kitchen stuff or Christmas stuff. Again, I just want to throw it away...but I do NOT plan on being here forever...but right now, it will probably be a lot longer then I'd like.

God is love!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Same sh*t different day.

Life is going okay in Farmville USA.

I am terribly bored and lonely tonight. I was invited to a birthday gathering at a bar but I don't want to drive 45 miles (one way) on the ICY roads.

Mom isn't doing so well lately so I had to go w/ Dad to the dinner theater at Church last night. Food wasn't good and play was lame...but I had a good time. I got to see my dear friend who had twins about 21 months ago (but one twin died at 3 weeks old). I also got to talk to Red's sisters some. Red's sister was in the play.

I died my hair this week. Its DARK. I love it!

I need to get a life.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

I'm alive. Stupid busy with very limited internet access.

I feel like I'm faking so much in life lately. Guess it goes back to the smile and nod thing that I do lots of.

Thanksgiving Day was nice. Moving went well. Other than that, things are just going.

God is love!