Shoot To Kill
My family is driving me 100% fu*king crazy. That's actually an understatement. I can't stand how DISRESPECTFUL my little sister is towards EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in this house. I can't stand how lazy my Dad is and how he lets things go until they are broken beyond repair. I can't stand how my Mom makes her health problems worse, how she manipulates my Dad.
Now, I am by no means, innocent. I am SURE I do plenty of things that bug the crap out of my family...especially little sister. Heck, I know my OCD/ADD issues drive her and dad batty.
Right now, I am sick. I've got a kill sore throat and sinus infection going. For other health reasons, I can't take/do a lot to improve things but let it run its course. I am so hungry, but swallowing hurts. I am so tired, but can't sleep. And I will be the first to say I am VERY crabby, emotional, moody.
I was dreading New Years like the plague. I am sadly glad I feel like crap because its a little less of a reminder that I am single and chilling at my 'rents house.
God is love!