He Will Carry Me
Okay, fu*king links aren't working. ERRRRRRRRRR. I'm going with it has something to do with this computer being jacked. Oh well. That's life. Roll with it.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!
Okay, fu*king links aren't working. ERRRRRRRRRR. I'm going with it has something to do with this computer being jacked. Oh well. That's life. Roll with it.
I went to my parent's house yesterday afternoon. Forgot the tupperware. ERRR. I forgot it cause I didn't make a list. I need to write EVERYTHING down or forget it! I didn't tell Mom I was coming. She was SO surprised & excited. I should've had my camera out. I visited my cat & got my pictures, which was what I went for. Grabbed a few other things to. I was in & out in less then an hour (and it takes about 75 minutes in the car, one way). Just didn't need to deal with some of the crap there. I'm starting to feel like JJ, where I don't want to deal with stuff in that house/family...but its totally different issues. Its much easier to just NOT deal with things then to upset myself or get everyone pissed at me.
So, my friend is gone for a few days. Okay, whatever...BUT of course, I get home from work today and the computer is jacked up! So, now all weekend I've got to deal with a jacked up computer. Hopefully he can fix it easily. If he has to spend a long time of his vacation fixing this device...he's NOT going to be happy. Its taking me 2 times as long to do things because nothing is how it used to be. I was planning on doing some scrapbooking tomorrow & Sunday...hopefully I can still get my pictures to print!
This deserves a post of its own!
Things in life has calmed down since I typed last. It was a ROUGH weekend, to say the least. Saturday morning, I decided I needed to talk to my friend regarding his wedding pictures. I had a week to calm down about it. Plus, all of my readers knew about my issue, plus ST, Shell, Steph, and J. It wasn't fair to my friend. He was really understanding. We talked about it for a bit and were done with it. THEN we were going to Roe's BBQ. He couldn't/wouldn't get ready. He was driving me NUTS (note...he didn't go out for my friend/his sister-in-law Shell's birthday the night before). I was literally getting SICK TO MY STOMACH about it. He ended up getting ready but not without pissing me & J off. All was fine in the end. Had a good time at Roe's BBQ. I miss her SO much. Game night later, was fine.
My gut says things aren't good. I just can't pin point things, but things aren't good. I feel likes its the beginning of the end. Hopefully its just me being depressed and pissy...but yeah.
So, I'm still thinking about what to do about the stalker-ish blog activity going on. I think my plan is just to let it go. My blog, my life, get over it. Of course, its me and everything is subject to change.
I don't feel great. Don't know if its allergies or the start of a cold (because it was 90 last week and 55 today!)...but it sucks.
I'm the proud new owner of this camera! Its a Kodak V610 (Sam's Club has it at the store for under $200). It ROCKS!!!!! Of course, I only have pictures of my friend and random stuff around the house so far...but its so cool. I took a video and stuff too. Then I played it thru the TV. FUN FUN FUN! I called JJ to see if I could come visit my lovely nephews and get some good exciting pictures, but she didn't answer. Pictures...and LOTS of them to come!
Yesterday, by pure accident I came across pictures from my friend's wedding. Now, I am perfectly aware he's been married before. I've seen a picture or 2 of his ex-wife before. I knew he still had wedding pictures around somewhere. We were looking for something (we even went to Shell & J's house looking for it), and I was in the other computer room and yep...there they were. I looked at 1 picture (it was just his ex-wife) for about half a second and then got out of there...cause it was bugging me. I don't know why I'm bothered by it...but I am. My friend has no idea I saw it, and I'll keep it that way, I think.