I'm going to bed soon, I promise.
The verse that's getting me through today...
When I am afraid, I will trust in You. ~Psalm 56:3
My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!
I'm going to bed soon, I promise.
Once again, I'm going to see if I'm capable of posting via email.
Seriously...I know this will pass, but in the mean time, I HATE IT. I hate feeling this way. I just wish there was a real way to make it pass quicker. Really, I wish there was a way to make it not happen at all...but that's not realistic. Just be happy that 1) these moods don't happen as often as they used to. 2) they don't last as long as they used to. 3) it WILL pass.
This has been one of the crappiest weekends I've had in a long time. I'm just in the worse mood. It will pass, I know that. I think part of my attitude has to do with Mom sitting. If I was prepared, knew in advance how much time I'd have to waste this weekend watching her...but no, each day it just sprung on me. Had Mom from 17:30-23:30 yesterday...12:30-15:00 today and now again I get her 19:30 until 22:00. Oh happy relaxing weekend. She's been smoke free a month now. She's still sugaring up a storm about it. Her moods go from one extreme to the other quicker then lightening. She's doing okay physically, in pain, but okay...but her mental issues drive me crazy. There is only room in this house for 1 mental person...and that's ME.
I'm feeling a tad depressed, I really don't know why...but I think parts of it are because 1) I'm tired 2) Mom's a PITA
Dad's home. YAY! He's going on & on & ON & ON. All he's doing is proving he's old...he was at his 30 year HS reunion. I don't get it. His 2 best friends from his class are his brother and his brother in law, which he obviously still talks to/sees all the time. I'm going to bed.
Dad better get home SOON. VERY SOON. I'm SO tired, I'm a danger to myself. I'd be little help to Mom if she needed something major. Mom is in bed, but she won't stay there more then 20 minutes.
I'm tired of being tired & annoyed all the time lately.
I had the strangest dream last night. Of course, now the details are foggy. I ran into M & JV (ST's former roommates), we were talking and having a good time. Then, they just started bashing ST like crazy. The dream really didn't have much to do with ST, just him getting dissed by one of his best friends. Interesting.
My last load of laundry for tonight is in the washer. I'm only leaving 1 load not touched. Dad had the dryer fixed right before I left for David's Friends. The washer has been being stupid too, but all is well. The washer/dryer are only as old as this house (just shy of 6 years). They shouldn't be breaking yet!
I have NO clean weather appropriate clothing that fits! Not that big of a deal, I'm going to do laundry today before church. I can get 3 loads done. Take the towels out of the washer, put them in the dryer...and EEEEKKK. The dryer shouldn't make that much noise. So, after a few minutes, I get Dad to believe me that the dryer isn't working right. Something is stuck in the vent. Of course, I already tossed a load of jeans/shorts in the washer. I'm annoyed. God only knows when Dad will have time to fix it.
My passing out for the night didn't happen like I wanted it to! I passed out at about 18:45, but woke up just before 01:00. So...I wasted an evening sleeping and am up during the middle of the night. Ahhhhhh. I try my sleep when I'm tired/can gig, but it just messes stuff up. What I wouldn't give to be normal...but what is normal?
Finally! Mom's home! She's doing well and in very good spirits, which is half the battle.
I hate mornings. I hate thunderstorms. I really hate mornings when I'm kept awake all night with thunderstorms.
ST wasn't lying. I wish he was. Bye Bye McCarty (Whitney & Hatcher too)
My Dad is on my last sugaring nerve right now!!!!!!! My head is hurting still, and in general, I just feel really SUGARY!
Once again, so much to little time. I need to be out the door in 15 minutes for drama club.
Jo & I get along 95% of the time, but when we don't...we DON'T! I'm beyond irritated with her right now. I wish I could find a word good enough to explain on my high level of pissed off without being overly rude or hurtful.
I had a great time at the softball tournament this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! All turned out much better then I thought it was going to. Spent lots of time with Thick & Mell, part of my David's Friends group. I'm really getting to know them as people, and since those are the 2 of the 3 that I know the least, its so cool.
Jo asked me what time we were leaving for David's Friends. My answer was...4 hours would allow me to get my stuff done, but of course, when she was asking this, David's Friends started in 54 minutes. So, I decided to do nothing, instead of rushing to get 1/2 (MAYBE!) of the stuff done that I needed to.
I don't know my left from my right, up from down, lately.
I never want to have a heart attack.
So, 27 minutes ago, I told my friends I was getting ready for bed in 18 minutes. Here I am, at the computer, crying. I spent the great majority of last night in a panic attack, and same with my nap today. I just do not want to sleep again, if I'm going to have another attack. I've had to many lately. The thing that just pisses me off, is I know its so related to $$ or lack thereof...could be related to Mom's issues lately, but I don't think so.
Mom is still in the hospital, but doing much better! Day 8 and she got moved to the rehab floor today. Right now, the educated guess is going to be 10-14 days of hospital rehab...but that is if she stays healthy, seizure free, heart problem free, etc.
A couple of hours ago, Dad & Jo were on their way home. They called me AGAIN. (I think I got 10 calls from them, seriously!)
Life is so interesting. Obviously today, since I've posted a bunch of times, I've done a lot of NOTHING. I've been running so much durning the week, that I love being able to just chill on the weekends.
I have 2 different health issues, which require me to do some things a little different then most. Its really SIMPLE. #1, I can't drink alcohol often and in huge quantites. #2, I need to take 3 vitamins a day.
I'm doing a whole lot of nothing today. My Dad is on my last nerve. He's been gone for about 3.5 hours and has called 5 times. LEAVE ME ALONE. I didn't go with you, so I could have time to myself to relax...and you are bugging the sugar out of me.
Its Saturday. YAY! I get to go downstairs in a few moments and make a pasta salad, for a graduation party, for a girl I have met exactly 3 times. Thanks Mom! Dad offered to help, plus he paid for the stuff, so I shouldn't be complaining...but its me and I do what I'm best at.
So, I have decided, that one can't wake themself up in full fledge panic attack mode, if they never go to sleep. I think I'll just stay awake for about the next month straight. Sounds like a plan to me...
I HATE asking anyone for help with anything. I have to ask for help right now and its KILLING me. I should be grateful for having people to ask for help, and I am grateful (but at the same time, I feel like my gratefulness isn't enough).
I need a money tree...a REALLY big one would be nice. I was financially stressed, got over it, thought I was going to be okay for a few days (I can live without vitamins, face cleaner, & razor blades)...but something happen and ...yeah RIGHT...
I'm so tired & sleepy and yet...I'm on this computer. WHY? I wish I knew. Sleep is over-rated or something like that.
I'm not the calmest person on the planet. Gma & Dad both left us messages, that Jo & I slept thru. Mom's not doing hot...Dad spent the night at the hospital. "The nursing staff *(#@!)#* sucks."
It seems like the past 30 hours of my life have been LONGER then the past 10 years.
If things are going as planned my Mom's surgery began about 30 minutes ago. We were told anywhere from 4-10 hours. Jo & I are heading down to the hospital shortly. I slept for crap last night.
I'm in a pissy mood.
I love my Mommy, I love my Mommy, oh yes I do.
I haven't mentioned it lately...but...
Thursday morning when I woke up, I put on my great Fox 2 news, for my all local morning newscast...cause all I care about in the morning is the traffic and weather. Well, they weren't the slightest bit concerned with local news and it was all about the horrible terrorist attacks in London. Stupid jerkball terrorist! Really, we need to start WINNING this war on terrorism. My heart breaks for all those who are dealing with the newest attacks in a much closer manner then I am.
I have a ton o' things I want to blog about...but yeah. Time is my friend, computer time isn't my least not when I have energy.
Things I need to blog about...when I have time/energy:
Have faith T. God doesn't give you more then you can handle. I was just playing around on the computer and one of my new favorite songs came on the radio and gave me the little kick in the butt I needed. I'm sure I'll need another nudge tomorrow...but I'm cool for right now.
::banging head against keyboard::
I hope everyone enjoyed their Independance Day. Not just an extra (need, well desired!) day off work, but the true joy of being an American, and to be FREE.
To firework or not, that is the question.
Some words of advice to ya'll...
I have my nephews for a few days. YAY! JM & TOY rule!!!!!!!! They are the sweetest, most adorable, best kids EVER! Not that I'm partial.
Last night, I spent a great deal of time outside, chilling with myself and God. That's one of the COOL things about farm life...being outside at dusk. Ahhh. Relaxing.