The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

There's No Way

I love my friends. I've always said I'd rather have a few goods friends then TONS of "friends". They always seem to know the right things to say, at the right times.

My face is breaking out like I'm 13! Its GROSS. Seems like when I spend time/money on it...the more it breaks out.

I was going to bed 15 minutes ago...I'm going...I swear...soon...I'm going. WEEEEEEE. Want to live in my head?

That's all she wrote.

Let's Stay Together

I was trying to waste time playing a game, but my game wouldn't load. ERRRRRRR. I really should just be in bed, but an overload brain doesn't work well for sleeping. I'm feeling okay still. Mom still isn't doing well at all. I'm still forcing myself to surface level operate. Anything more then that right now, and I don't what I would do. I have myself so distanced from most of the world.

Day 1 of 4, where I am going to work 10 hours. HA. 6.25 hours. I'm going to be POOR for the next few weeks! Tomorrow is Jess' birthday. Work should be cool...eating all day, socializing and doing minimal work.

I have all 5 of the month old kittens named. Little black kitty, little orange kitty, little kitty, little kitty with white legs, and Roe. The 3 new baby kittens aren't getting that much attention, but the month old ones are so much more fun.

Drama club was okay tonight. My head and heart isn't in it right now. I've got to change that...but HOW? Tomorrow is David's Friends! YAY! I look so forward to David's Friends. I just hope and pray my attitude changes before then.

I know part of my attitude is about Mom not doing well, being exhausted, still not feeling good...but there is MORE and I don't really know WHAT the problem is. How can I fix what I don't know is broken?

T out.

Monday, May 30, 2005

You Rock Me

I slept from about 04:00 until 05:00, then 05:30 until 10:00. I'm still dead exhausted. I think I am going to lay down soon.

Mom is down stairs being crazy. I am not in the mood for her crying irrational stuff today.

I am either going to go to town and spend money I don't have or take a nap. I think I should take a nap. Yep...NAP.

T out.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Get Off My Back

I am feeling better, not great by any means, but better. Hopefully I'll get to rest more tomorrow then I did today and then I'll be good to go Tuesday AM.

I started typing out this long winded post about some of the mental junk I'm going thru at lately, but it didn't make much sense, so I deleted it.

I can tell right now, I'm in a HUGE wall building state. Its annoying. Then again, all of this mental junk is annoying. Oh will make me stronger.

Mom is doing ALOT better today. Not good of course, but SO much better. Yesterday was one of the scariest Mom days that I ever remember.

My brain is on OVERLOAD, yet I only have the power to surface level deal with things right now. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Messy brain.

T out.

Somebody's Someone

DRAMA! My house is full of drama!

I finally laid down at about 02:00, tossing and turning. God only knows what time I finally passed out at.

At about 04:50 I vaguely hear something going on downstairs. I have left all Mom duty up to Dad during the night time, because I need as much rest as I can get right now. I roll over and go back to happy sleep.

Less then 10 minutes later I hear LOTS of commotion coming from downstairs. Oh the joys of living directly above my parents, plus right next to the stairs. Boy oh boy...Jo luck out with her room (but that's really another story!). I hear a VERY frantic "Girls, HURRY, I need HELP. Help NOW. GIRLS." As I fly out of my bedroom, I yell for Jo, cause I don't know if she heard Dad or not, and its easier to yell while I'm still upstairs. Dad starts barking orders at us, when we have NO clue what is going on yet. Dad is literally running around in circles.

(Sidenote: For your reading pleasures, I figured you would be happy to know, I'm not hacking up huge chuncks of dark green phlegm.)

Mom fell again or something, is out of it, in the bathroom. Baby (the MEAN cat) is having kittens. Kita (the one that had kittens a few weeks ago) is trying to help Baby. Baby doesn't want to deal with her kittens, she would rather hide with Kita's kittens. The VERY new kittens are sitting at the top of the stairs, the dog is licking them. Kita and Baby start fighting. Took about 2 minutes for me to gather my thoughts, info, and snap into action. Within 15 minutes, we had things under control (as "under control" as possible).

Now, I'm back to chilling on the computer, hacking, snotting, and sneezing like crazy.

Peace, love, and neutering to all.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Sweet Caroline

Jo & I have always wondered..."What is Normal?" Seriously...what is NORMAL?

When I was about 16, my frisin (friend+cousin) Trin was about 13. We always bickered about "normal"...I was normal, she wasn't.

I take normal to mean, the if the majority of people think the sky is blue, then the sky normally is blue. According to, on of the difinitons is "average" which is basically, the point I was making with majority.

I know I'm weird, goofy, and just plain OUT THERE sometimes...but there is NO such thing as NORMAL!

Is it possible for someone to be a tree-hugging, pro-choice, Christian, Republican? I think it is...cause that's what I want to be! I have got to work on the tree-hugging part some...but I'll get there. Like I said, I'm out there.

T out.

New Kid In Town

I have something ELSE to whine about, besides being sick...

I miss HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hockey, in general but really NHL hockey. NBA playoffs are on and I just can't take it. I don't like basketball. Being able to WATCH (not listen) to hockey was one of the top 10 reasons I switched to the day shift...well, that backfired. I miss hockey! They better do something to settle this mess before September!

What doesn't kill me, makes me STRONGER.

That's all she wrote.

Blue Side Of Lonesome

In case you care...I'm still sick. Now this lovely cold has moved into my chest, which hopefully means its on its way OUT!

I am forcing myself to only deal with surface level stuff right now, its what I have to do, in order to survive, when I'm sick.

I'm bored, can't sleep (and REALLY need to!) I think I might go get ice cream & french fries. I miss Dairy Freeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

T out.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Take Me Home Country Road

Nothing remotely exciting going on here. I'm sick. I'm praying its just a sinus infection that will go away in a few days, but my throat is back to burning terribly and I have had close (not that close sicko's!) contact with 5 people that have/had strep recently. I tried my best to make it thru the work week, but I jetted at 11:45 today. 2 days with 4 hours of broken sleep makes for one really sick T! I got home and napped from about 13:45-17:30, almost straight thru! Yay!

Mom isn't doing well, she can barely walk, very unsteady, has little clue whats going on. Dad pointed something out to Jo, which really might help Jo & I out. When Mom's in Kaleb Mode, we shouldn't try to understand what she's talking about! We spend hours chasing her in circles, asking her to repeat her, when what she is saying makes NO sense (example: She was changing the trash bags, then starts screaming "Who ran away with the spoon?" while tossing trash all over.) Another fun day in the W house!

I have a graduation party to go to tomorrow, but at this rate, I don't think I'll be going. So, my plans for the weekend involve lots so sleep and doing 100% of NOTHING!

T out.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Goin' Out Of My Head

That was BY FAR, the worst night of sleep (or lack thereof) I have had in a good 4 months or so. I just couldn't sleep! Brain overload, Mom being Mom, not being able to breathe out my nose, etc.

I feel sorry for those that have to deal with me today.

T out.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Just Like A Pill

Chatting with ST online right now. Probably not the smartest thing ever. I shouldn't talk to him shortly before I plan on going to bed. If I dream about him again tonight, I'm going to get on a plane, fly to another country, and shoot him! Okay, not really...I don't like to fly. I'll wait til he comes home. Talking to him online is so fun though. Okay, fun isn't the right word. Enjoyable and comforting. Its MUCH easier to deal with him online. I can hide behind the computer, build my little wall. Yes, I know he can see thru it completely...but its what works best for ME.

David's Friends had a BBQ at Pastor's house tonight. There were SO many people there! Go us! SO many people = 14. Apparently all is better in Erob's love life, his GF (that lives 5 hours away) was there. Red was also there. I could go on & on about annoy Jo, but I won't.

I thought Dad had softball tomorrow night, but he doesn' I think I'll be working LATE, staying in the city, and all that not exciting stuff. I need to work late...I need $$$! I have barely worked extra last week and this week!

It was nice to have a heart to heart with some people that can relate to the emotional junk I'm going thru regarding this ST situation. I wish I could be OVER it by now, but I can't. Do I ever think I'll be over it? Someday. Some days are better then others. I WILL come out of this junk stronger then ever before. Its all a learning lesson. What I do know (and amazingly, ST agreed with me tonight), ST is a great guy, but out there somewhere, there is someone GREATER for me!

Okay, the more I think about all that emotional junk, I'm getting just, emotional.

American Idol...I voted for Bo. I really didn't care who won. I like them both equally. I just don't want Carrie to be turned into some pop singer, she's a country chick.

I'm going to take my sick, overtired, (which is probably part of the emotions) butt to bed and read my "Never Alone" book.

I hate feeling like I can't blog in MY blog about what I want to. I hate that I'm letting others, in general, tell me how I should feel. Okay...I said I was over tired, that's getting obvouis now. Goodnight.

T out.

It Take Two

For the majority, I don't remember my dreams. How come, in the past few days now, this is the 2nd dream I've had (and REMEMBERED!) about ST & Ann. Maybe because I was chatting (online) with ST before I went to bed. Details later.

T out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Maybe Baby

I'm feeling cruddy, but in the grand scheme of life...its all good.

Update on the Jeremy situation. I got the chance (at drama club) to talk with Jeremy's Dad a lot. I love his dad. (He's one of the VERY few "older" adults that I've let in." According to dad..."Jeremy is doing awesome!" Stage 4 Testicular Cancer, that spread to his liver, spleen, lungs, and trachea. Jeremy was brought from IL to MI on Thursday. Friday, a hospital about 30 minutes west of us, decided they would do surgery! Surgery was going well, went to take out his breathing tube and all hell broke loose. Blood and "stuff" started coming up. That's when they realized there were tumors in his trachea. The hospital he was at didn't have the abilities to deal with this new problem. Life Flight was sent, he was airlifted to Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. The little hospital gave Jeremy's parents bad directions to Henry Ford, and also told them that there was a chance that Jeremy wouldn't make it. Everything turned out GREAT at Henry Ford, once everyone got there. Sunday, Jeremy was released from Henry Ford and sent back to the little hospital. He started Round 1 of Chemo (via IV) on Monday. Tuesday they did (minor) surgery to put his "port" in, so the rest of Chemo can be done thru that. After being told he shouldn't be alive, now these doctors are saying he has a 85% chance of survival. God is awesome. Jeremy faith hasn't wavered, he truly believes this is all part of God's plan for him. Jeremy isn't out of the woods, by any means...but things are looking better!

I missed softball, but the team won 7-0. Rumor has it Jo needs to go to the batting cages BADLY!

That's all she wrote.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Into The Groove

I've been thinking, dangerous, I know. I've been thinking I should change all my passwords. I have about 3 passwords that control almost everything I do online. My concern isn't with the people that know my passwords (because to my knowledge, the 3 people that know how to get into some of my stuff I totally trust). Many moons ago now, a (former) friend's online journal (and email, I think) were tapped into and tons of bad stuff was wrote, hurtful things. The way stuff was written, it was OBVISOUS that it was someone that, at least, knew of our social circle. I'd hate for someone to pull the same stuff on me.

I'm starting to get SICK. My throat is BURNING, like it has a whole in the back middle of it, and its just burning, like something fierce! Please, don't let it be strep or tonsilitis! Drama shall be interesting tomorrow.

I don't have a lot to say...I can tell I'm into the surface level blogging tonight...trying to be nice.

Things I needed to blog about...
  • **Body Butter--So, I spent $16 and got this fancy Body Butter from The Body Shop. It should have lasted me a good 2 months. I got it on a Friday or Saturday night. Fast forward to Tuesday. I left it sitting on the seat of my car. It was warm outside, making it REALLY warm in my car. Yes, my brand new body butter melted ALL over the front passenger seat of my car. Thankfully, I have car seat covers or I would of had a real mess on my hands. Of course, I basically tossed $16 in the trash.
  • **Titles--I was asked how I get all my titles, my random songs. Some of them pop into my head, some I just heard at Church, are on the radio as I'm blogging...but the way I get most of them...Jo gets CD's from BMG Music Club, so her catalog is in the top drawer of my computer desk. 9 times out of 10, I just flip it open and grab whatever song I see first.
  • **I already mentioned "Sugar", my new bad word.
  • **Hairy legs. DUDE! I'm a moron sometimes! So, last Thursday we had softball. Its still chilly outside, so I had on pants. I screwed up my knee. We get to Dad's game and Dad asked to see my knee, so I hike up my pants to show him, while Red & a few others probably are standing there. I hadn't shaved since Saturday. EEEEEKKKKK. Reason #497 I am going to be single forever.

I hate blogger sometimes. It let me make this nice list with bullets, then I publish it, and it doesn't work. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Hopefully my way works better.

T out.

Straight No Chaser

I slept for sugar! I had a bad panic attack at about 3:30, but made myself stay in bed, otherwise, I would of been really screwed.

I better get ready for work.

That's all she wrote.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Big Rock Candy Mountain

I'm full of good ideas! I can't really blog (on blogger) right now because I'm uploading pictures to my yahoo site and my lovely slow computer and its lovely slow internet connection would EXPLODE if I tried to open another IE. So, I'm typing this as an email to myself, and then I'll copy and paste it later.

I'm sitting here eating cocoa crispies. Its the best cereal EVER. So, I only eat about 1 box of it every 5 years, but its still great. Of course, any and all cereal must be eaten dry. Milklogged (like waterlogged but with milk) food just isn't appetizing to me.

Today was a pretty typical Sunday. Church, grocery shopping, putzing around the house, napping, Church, TV watching. Nice and relaxing, basically. The was a random hottie at Church this morning. He was by himself, sat right behind Red's family. My Dad kept trying to grab my notebook to see what the heck I was writing about. Nosey, I tell you.

I'm wearing a skirt to work tomorrow. I seriously need to find time and energy to get some darn laundry done.

I'm trying to replace any and all swear/negeative words I use with the word sugar. Why sugar? I don't know, but its nicer then the alternative. I'm not doing that well at it, yet.

I better stop eating the cocoa crispies. I'm just eating cause I'm bored.

Friday into Saturday I had a dream, about ST. I was at a Mom & Pop type bar with 2 of my work friends. He was there (alone) shooting pool. He came and sat by us (we were in a 4 person booth, and I had room by me). He started sobbing about how Ann broke up with him. That he should have realized how good he had it with me, etc. I was nice, but wasn't playing into his act at all. He stormed out, saying he would get his way. Interesting.

T out.

Hello In Heaven

I have SO much to blog about and so little time/energy lately.

Today was my baby cousin's birthday party. I really enjoyed myself. Mom wasn't doing good, but we all managed. As I was leaving, my Uncle (Dad's bro) that just bugs me, started this "I'm so proud of you" talk. Blah blah blah. You've been a jerkball TO ME for years.

Then, I went and hung out with SML. We ate, went to the fair (just to ride the ferris wheel, which was a HUGE rip off!), to play putt putt, then to some friend's place for a bit, then to the bar with my friends. Busy busy busy.

On the way to the birthday party, I talked to ST. He called me while driving home from FL. It was nice to chit chat with him, and I actually have a busy life lately to talk about! It wasn't a dead silence type of converstation!

My brain hurts, thinking is dangerous. I have to be awake in about 5 hours, I'm getting for bed soon.

T out.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

What I Miss The Most

Yesterday I left work almost on time, because I was just BEAT! Thinking, I'm going to go home, crash for 2 hours, then do stuff. WELL...yeah. That's what I get for thinking. So, I busted ass until about 19:45, then I'm watching Mom for a little bit, then at 20:30, I think I can FINALLY crash. Take my sleeping pills (I just needed them so I'd sleep more then 2 hours straight, were talking prescripiton ones, not the cheap, don't work for me, over the counter ones), take my bath, and then Dad starts going off that I need to do this that and the other. I flew off the handle, not once, but twice! I hate hate HATE HATE when I sink to their level and scream. After about 15 minutes, Dad talked to me and I went to sleep.

And sleep I did! I was asleep by 21:00, woke up once at 6:30 then 8:30 then for the final time at 11:30. YAY! Sleep is my friend.

Now, I need to get ready for my adorable cousin's birthday party. Much more later. #3 on the list from the other night should have been 3) Body Butter. I also need to blog about my ST dream.

T out.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Mendocino County Line

I kept thinking there were 3 things I wanted to post about.

1) Sugar
2) Hairy legs
3) I already forgot

Good thing I made a list, now when I have more energy/time, I'll post about sugar and hairy legs and many other useless things!

T out

WAIT! I remember...3) Titles. Okay, so that might not have been #3, but it is now.

T out, for real this time.

Holy War




Yes...both at the same time!

We won!!!!!!!! Dad won!! That's the wahoo! Now...the ahhhhh! MY KNEE IS KILLING ME!

I was playing 2nd base (yay! I got to play my favorite position!). 1 out, Runner on 1st base. Grounder hit to the shortstop VERY close to 2nd base. I was already covering 2nd. She could have ran it herself with 2 steps, but she tried to toss it to me, and it was a terrible throw, so I stretched all funny to get it, and then the runner kind of toppled me to the ground, digging my twisted knee into the ground. I got dirty! Hehehe. The boys will think I'm cool cause I got dirty. Now, I'm sitting here with the cool air cast ice pack on my knee and just popped some drugs. Not the GOOD ones yet.

If you ask me my batting average is .666 but some people would say its .750 (I don't figure walks in at all, some count them as a hit) Jo is betting .000 (my way) or .333, she struke out 2 games in a ROW! HAHAHA! I better stop laughing and teasing her about it, I'm sure my day will come. Dad is batting .888 but I don't know how many walks he has figured in there.

Our team was SO much better tonight. For starters, we only had 12 players. We had people in much more approitate positions and we had a real line up not good batter bad batter. People waiting for strikes helped a ton too!

After our game, Jo & I got to go over to Dad's game. See, God works everything out T...his way, his time. I love those boys. It was good to see them, three of them, I haven't seen since last softball season. Red was VERY cute tonight, not annoying AT ALL! How he plays softball in jeans, I just don't know. Erob is finally coming out of his shell totally, getting a personality and being talkative, which is all cool...but his little stuck on himself act is annoying. Jo & I were talking on the way home that this other guy likes her, he was at our game for the beginning of it (conventient, his neighbor is on our team), was giving Jo a real hard time, etc. We get home and were talking about him bugging Jo, and Dad says "He likes you, DUH."

Jo & I are staying single FOREVER.

Have I mentioned how EXCITED I am to be playing softball again? I'm loving it! I'll only have to miss 1 game for drama club! YAY!!!

My knee hurts.

T out.

No Fear

My family can be so unhealthy for me. This is one of those weeks where they are all just UNHEALTHY for me to be around.

I've got a game in about 45 minutes. Dad has a game in about 105 minutes. Jo & I were excited because we would be able to watch the end of Dad's game tonight, and Dad would be able to watch the beginning of ours, but due to our lovely Mom, Dad isn't going anywhere. Annoyed. YES.

Tomorrow is Friday. YAY!!!!!!!!!! I had plans, but now, I don't think I do. I think I'm going to come home, nap, do laundry, house work, and all the exciting stuff that I haven't had time for all week.

I wish I could go to softball in my pajamas. It would be easier.

That's all she wrote.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sweet Home Alabama

My head hurts. Its been bugging me all day, nothing I can't live with, but it surely doesn't feel good.

I'm avoiding my Dad like the plague right now. I have TONS of housework and laundry to do, which was to be done by tonight...of course, its not. He better go to bed soon.

David's friends was okay tonight. 3 of the 4 (5 if the pastor counts) boys were on my last nerve! We finished our lesson really quick so there was lots of talking and goofing around, when I have a headache, just isn't fun. Next week is our BBQ at Pastor's house. Then the following week, we are starting a new learning series. I'm just blah about the group right now. One of the guys (Jeremy) that is away at college (who would be part of the group, but he didn't come home for the summer) just found out he has cancer. It doesn't look good. His Dad is part of my drama club, and in general, on of the few that I know well and am opening up to. This sucks.

I'm just kind of blah in general. I went and dropped $48.96 at Meijer tonight. That always makes me feel better! Drugs, soda, brownie mix, eggs, and a new super cool bag for my softball gear. I wasn't liking juggling a bat, ball, glove, batting gloves, shoes, keys, clothes, tape, etc. I'm a geek...a softball geek. I'm lovin it.

My family is beckering. SHUT UP. I'm really NOT in the mood.

Carrie & Bo are the American Idol finalist! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care who wins, in the grand scheme of things.

T out.

Build Me Up Buttercup

I often see my nephews bounce of walls and run in circles for hours. I wish I could take 1/10 of that energy, bottle it up and give myself a little now and then. I'm just beat lately. Way to much going on...but I like to be busy, I claim.

I only worked up 15:00, I'm going to try to get a little nap in before David's friends. I've got to get all dolled up before Church...for Red. Hehehe.

T out.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Mississippi Girl

Softball was INTERESTING. My team lost BAD! Dad's team won BIG! My team had 16 people show up! COOL! To bad they all SUCK! 1 girl didn't know what balls and strikes were, 1 girl didn't know what shortstop was. Jo, Jodie (Red's oldest sister), and I have to be 3 of the best 5 on the team...easy! I'm batting 1.000 still, while Jo is batting .000 (big fat STRIKE OUT). I was playing left field, I did get burned ONCE (only once) like 20 feet! It was fun, just to be playing if I could get a team that at least knew the IDEA of the game. It was only the first game, things can't get worse...right? Next game is Thursday at 18:30.

My Mom is butthead! The ACM's are on, Tim McGraw was singing so I flew to the TV to watch it (I have a Tim obsession!) and she was being goofy so she poured her water on me, cause she felt like it. Gotta love her

I missed American Idol tonight because of softball. Mom said Carrie did good and Bo did GREAT. I spent the 1st hour trying to vote, to the wrong numbers. Moron me. Now, I can't get thru at all.

Back to the ACM's. Gretchen Wilson just won Top Female Vocalist. She's great, I love her...but I don't think she's the TOP female (yet!). She also won top new artist...I don't see someone that wins that award winning the TOP female award in the same year. Now, when she wins entertainer of the year (I don't even know if she's up for it) in 10 minutes, I'm going to gag. At least, she's hot. Keith Urban just won Top Male Vocalist. I'm just not a huge Keith fan. Tim should have WON! Tim should ALWAYS WIN!

In order for me to MAYBE get caught up, things straightened out at work, I should go in (BE THERE) by 07:00, but that's just WAY TO EARLY. That means 05:00 wake up. We shall see. Thursday is going to suck at work of the best ladies has the day off. She's switching to afternoons in about 3 weeks, I don't want to think about that!

Peace, love, and rambling to all.

One Of These Days

I have a game at 19:45. Dad's game is at 19:30. We aren't even at the same park. I'm SO nervous. I haven't played (for real) in a VERY long time and I'm terribly out of shape. More then that though, my real issue is my Daddy. I played organized softball from age 5 until age 16. My Daddy NEVER missed a game, NEVER! I could probably count on 1 hand how many practices he missed! I'll get over it. To top it off, my Mom isn't going because she's mad at Jo. Jo isn't going because she's being STUPID! Jo is supposed to be playing, but she's not. So, this is outside of the box and no one is going, I know 1 girl on the team (at least, she's the one in charge...I think), all these outside of the box things make me I'm told.

Work was okay today, but tomorrow is going to SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spend 95% of my day doing these 2 reports now. Its only Day 7 of these great things. Well, Grace had an emergency of sorts, so I had to take her training class this afternoon. So, from 12:00-16:15 I didn't touch my reports.


Work was pretty high stress because there was a bomb scare at a building close to us.


T out.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Younger Men

I signed on with lots in my head to blog, but I'm to tired.

The Bachelor was GREAT tonight.

The lady in charge of my drama club called to cancel tomorrow's meeting. Yay! I did tell her it was good she cancelled cause I wasn't going to be there.

That's all she wrote.

Forever And Ever Amen

I think I have a decision made regarding this softball vs drama gig. I think...thinking is dangerous!

Two VERY different people commented this weekend on ST & I being friends, me taking the high road and stuff. I was thinking about it today.

1st person was my brother in law John (JM and TOY's dad). I HIGHLY value and respect his opinion. Besides Jo, John is the ONLY person in my family (okay, so technically he's not in my family anymore...but its NOT our fault that my sister wanted a divorce) that I have told anything to regarding ST & Ann. Its just not something I'm ready to deal with. So, I told John about whats new with ST, then about ST & Ann. He was like "WOW. T, you are such a great person. Not many people, especially without kids involved, would be so dedicated to making a friendship work. But, I wouldn't expect anything less from you and ST. He's a good guy." Of course, I then start my "I'm going to be single FOREVER" whine to him. He laughs at me, looks at his girlfriend, and says "Yeah, I said that a few million times after JJ & I spilt." Ha! I'm GREAT and ST is only good. Then John's girlfriend starts going on and on about how they should hook me up with all of John's friends. UMMMM. NO THANKS. John was quick to say "She's like my baby sister. I know my friends. I don't think so."

2nd person was a former friend of mine (and ST's). He came out of a long term relationship not long before ST & I spilt. He has done nothing but be in ass to his ex, ex's friends and new boyfriend, and regarding ex. He said "You took the high road. You should have been an ass like me. Its been fun." Now, this person hasn't been as big of an ass in the past month...but still. From July until April he was!

I just don't see what the big deal is, how unusual it is, for people to be cordial after breaking up.

Mom is yelling. Better go see what Jo did to piss her off this time.
T out.

No More Drama

Can't I be a retired millionaire by now? This morning gig, this working gig SUCK!

I've got tons of thinking and praying to do today regarding this my softball vs drama club issue.

T out.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Tell Her

Turns out that softball is on Tuesdays! NOT COOL! NOT COOL AT ALL! Dad's softball is on Tuesdays, Drama club is on Tuesdays! I don't know what I'm going to do.

Saturday night was FUN! TONS OF FUN...until I started puking. SML & Shell deserve HUGE GOLD STARS for dealing with me, ST get a gold star too for having to deal with me (via the phone) too. I know I always drunk dial people, but I drunk text messaged ST. Do I remember doing that? NOT AT ALL.

I've got to get some sleep...real sleep.

T out.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Who Am I

I'm about to fall asleep. I've got to blog a wee bit though...cause my brain and heart say I should.

I had a nice enjoyable night out with Jo. Maceroni Grill and a Christian concert. Very cool!

Tomorrow is not going to be as crazy as I thought. My baby cousin is sick so her 1st birthday party had to be moved to next week. So, I've got JM & TOY's baseball (leaving here at 10:30) then bowling at 18:30, then the bar with Shell. YAY! Of course, everything is spread out all over the state basically. Oh well. I'm used to it. (Heck, I've already driven 660+ miles since Monday morning)

As I said, my baby cousin's 1st birthday party had to get moved to next weekend. I already had plans with SML to hang out, so I had to change them again. I'm still going to hang out with him that day, just not until later. BOY OH BOY! He's NOT happy with me! He's my friend and he'll get over it, I hope.

I'm tired, more later. What doesn't kill me, makes ME stronger!

T out.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Some Gave All

I'm *SO* excited about playing softball!!! I didn't think I was, but the more I think about it...the more excited I get! I found my glove. It was actually only about a foot away from where I thought it was. I'm organized, why don't people believe me? I went to Dunham's tonight and dropped $47 on new cleats and batting gloves. I probably could have found my OLD (think back in high school) batting gloves, but new ones are cool. My cleats and batting gloves match. ;-) nikes w/ white swooshes.

I want to break the new cleats in a little bit before the 1st game. So, I put them on and decide I'm going to jog around the yard 8 times (2 miles)...well YEAH. I did 2 laps of the yard and wasn't no where near as winded as I thought my fat out of shape self would be but my right foot was killing me. Came in and took off the new cleats and I have a gross bleeding blister on my heal. Not cute. Guess I'll put some bandaids on before I play around in the cleats Saturday!

I want to attempt the batting cages on Sunday afternoon...wonder if this hickville town even has anything. I doubt it. Jo & I mentioned splitting the cost of a new bat, because my bat is old and seen its better day...YEAH RIGGGGGGHHHHTTTTTTTT! Bats surely have JUMPED in price since I last bought one...oh wait, I never Dad bought them when I was younger. $90 for a VERY cheap bat. I think my old bat is pretty cool.

Work has definitly gotten easier as the week has went least for me. I'm VERY glad tomorrow is Friday! I just have to figure out who/when to teach these new reports so I can get a day off sometime! The afternoon supervisior actually approached me today, asking me how I wanted his people to do things (MIRACLE, he's pretty useless!) and for now, I told him I'll do it all myself. I've got to get the kinks worked out before I teach anyone else. I showed Blondie breifly the 1st day, but its changed so much since then!

That's all she wrote.

The Godfather Waltz

I hate mornings. I hate mornings. I hate morings, oh yes I do!

I'm totally aware that mornings hate me too!

That's all she wrote.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

About You

David's Friends was very cool tonight. Its always cool, but SUPER cool tonight. Another new record, were up to 10 people! Go us! In 2 weeks we are having a BBQ at Pastor's house. Today, Jo & I took a friend with us. So I'm drooling over Red. Jo's drooling over ERob, and then friend is like..."Dude, the guy with the piercings, he's HOT." LMAO! There are only 3 guys there (well, 4 but the Pastor is married and doesn't really count) and we all had 1 to drool over. Seriously...Red needs to keep his mouth shut!

ST & I are having a nice converstation online right now. Part of me wishes he was a jerkball, that our relationship wasn't so great. If that was the case, this getting over him gig would be easier. Since I had it so good with him, I feel bad for every male I ever date, because I won't tolerate ANYTHING! Princess T syndrome! During this converstation ST has said a few times about him being "the best"...while, I do think very high of him...I also KNOW...there is someone BETTER out there FOR ME! Oh wait...I'm going to be single forever! ST is making me snort, he has me laughing so much.

I'm playing softball this summer! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOO excited and a little nervous. I only know 1 girl on the team (2 if Jo plays) and I haven't actively played in YEARS...many YEARS. Guess I should look for my mitt soon. Our 1st game is MONDAY. As in, about 5 days. Dad's softball starts on Tuesday. I won't be able to go to that many of his games cause of my drama club gig. Another reason my softball rules...the girl I know...she's Red's oldest sister. Another reason Dad's softball rules...Red is on the team (but he sucks!).

SML is annoyed with me or something...not mad, he claims. We had plans for tomorrow and I had to cancel. My schedule is busy lately and he feels like I'm ditching him. I feel like he doesn't understand I'm BUSY! The 60+ miles we live apart makes things a tad difficult to randomly hang out. He's my friend, he'll get over it and understand.

More about Red. My Dad, Mom, and Jo are all annoyed or something that I think he's now, I'm going to think he's cuter and talk about him more. Brat...yep.

Peace, love, and goofiness to all!

Say You Say Me

I'm lazy, I only worked 6.25 hours today. I'm just drained though. I'm going to take a small (only an hour) nap before David's Friends. Work is getting better as the week goes on. What I do while AT work has TOTALLY changed this week and its a mess for everyone!

Last week, I posted about Gma's cousin Bill passing away. Well, at this hour, my Gpa's sister is in ICU and not doing well at all.

T out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Little Red Shoes

Drama club turned out to be better tonight then I was anticipating. I'm giving it a chance...we shall see.

Jo cracks me up. She wrote in her journal about Pat's prayer. She still doesn't know what its about. I'm done giving her hints. She needs to go talk to Pat if she really wants to know.

Tomorrow is David's Friends! YAY! I've got to do some recruiting (the guys especially!) for the drama club. Maybe Red while he's home?

Jo & I don't know if we are going to the Hoe Down or not on Friday night. Churchy concert or hoe down. Its almost feasible to do both (kinda)...but that would be CRAZY BUSY! Maybe...I'll decide about 15:00 on Friday.

T out.

I Want To Get Next To You

Work was much better today then yesterday...but still not good. Jess was in most of today (except for a 2+ hour "lunch") she saw how much crap I'm doing, crap that means/does nothing! I only worked 7 hours! WAHHHHHOOOOO! I'll have OT this week, unless something out of my control happens. WAHOOOOOOOO!

I have a drama club meeting in about 45 minutes, I'm just not feeling it tonight. Don't want to go...but I'll live to talk about it, I know. I've got to give this club my best shot, a fair shot.

Time to work I can go to drama all stinky and sweaty. Cute!

T out.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Take Five

I know EVERY job will have days where I'll hate it! Today was ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!! I worked 9.5 hours and took a whole 18 minute break. It just sucked. Another one of those things...that I'll just leave at that. I just can't think about work anymore today! I'm sure tomorrow is going to be another long day, another shitty day...but at least, I HAVE to leave at 16:30, I've got stuff to do!

I called ST today. I needed to clarify some things that went on yesterday, plus I just needed to explain myself to him. I know he reads here now and then AND he knows me better then anyone on this planet, BUT I just felt better after talking with him about things. He wants to be my friend, but respects the space I need. Basically, he has put the ball in my court regarding our friendship. At the same time...he knows I'm not the best person at working on friendships, so I think he'll still continue to nudge me from time to time, for us to be friends.

I had to run out to my car to grab something for my Mom. Its such a nice night out, a great night for camping. I know...there's someone out there for me...the process of all this mess big toejam.

Tomorrow night I have stuff to do...maybe Red will be there. Hehehe! Seriously, I need to find someone to drool over, whose personality I like, who doesn't annoy me EVERY single blessed time he opens his mouth. I'm a nut...I know.

I'm going to moods are still all over the freaking place and driving ME crazy. I feel sorry for all those that have to deal with me lately. I'm just evil & lovable all in the same breath.

T out.

Mrs Robinson

My alarm went off at 06:01 but I reset it for 07:01...or so I thought. I woke up and my clock said 07:53...but it was really 06:53, thank God for my lovely internal clock!

I had the craziest dream. ST & Ann were done, why I don't know. ST invited me & my friends to meet up with him & his friends at this party. We show up and his friends are 2 girls I work with (that I don't associate with at all). He is ALL over this chick, he invites us all back to his place to hang out, I tell him no and he gets pissed. We go out to eat before parting way and he continues to beg and plead with me and I stick my ground. Then he gets all nasty about me "slutting" around and its okay for him to do it...but not me. The chick he was all over, that I work with, just entertains me. Seriously...its one thing to waste to much of my awake time thinking about I'm having super unrealistic dreams about him!

Off to work I go...

T out.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Summer Nights

There is a concert that Jo & I really want to go to in July. Problems...its on a Monday night, which means I'd be dead tired come concert time, plus the next day. The concert is taking place about 1.5 hours from here, 1+ hour from Gma's house...without traffic. Its like $20 for the ticket, plus $5 to get into the fair...tack on taxes and surcharge trash. I'm cheap.

Jo & I...and whoever else that would like to join us, are going to the Hoedown this coming weekend! I'm excited! I haven't been since May of 1998 and I didn't get to enjoy myself really, cause I was dating a jerkball. Its going to be fun! Now, if I hear from 1 more person that Jo & I going down there by ourselves isn't safe...I'm going to SCREAM! I go where I want, when I want, because I want, with whom I want. Downtown doesn't phase me, crowds don't phase me. We'll be FINE..and if not, we've got God on our side. Jo & I are abnormal...we want to go to the hoedown for the MUSIC, not the crazy drunkeness that we'll witness.

I think I need to go to bed, but I don't want to.

That's all she wrote.

Heat Wave

Yesterday, in the grand scheme of Mom, was a decent day. By far, the best she's behaved when I've had to Mom-sit! She took a GOOD quality nap, so in the evening she was doing well. She's doing good today. She went to Church and has been supervising Dad & I bust butt in the yard.

This has been a nice weekend of relaxing and doing a whole lot of nothing! There is no evening Church tonight and I'm not happy about it. Jo & I were going to go to another Church not that far away (not far out here is about 20-30 minutes) but Jo would rather watch basketball. I'm REALLY NOT HAPPY about that!

I really hate Hallmark Holidays! Mothers Day included. Some say, I'll change my mind when (at this point...never!) I have kids. I tell/show my Mom I love & appriciate her daily, I don't think she needs a special day. Thankfully, my Dad agrees (regarding Father's Day) and I get off easy for Father's Day!

Red was at Church today. He's such a cutie. The way we were sitting in Church today, I couldn't see him AT ALL! He was in the same row as me, across the aisle...but Jo, then his parents were in the way. I did talk to him for a brief second, and he didn't annoy me but it was only 30 seconds. After Church, while walking out...he was holding his 10 month old nephew. Awww. Now, if Red wouldn't open his mouth ALL THE TIME, he'd be SO much cuter. Red's home for the summer (but I believe he's working at the Church campgrounds some this summer) there will be tons of posts about me drooling over the cute kid with red hair that annoys the piss out of me! Let me issue with Red, is...well...he acts like a KNOW IT ALL! I'll leave it at that for now.

Pat's prayer...involves me asking God for 3 things. One of those things God has provided me recently. One of those things, I have, but I know its not the right one yet. One of those things, I don't have at all.

T out.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Fever

I'm SO annoyed! I had a HUGE survey type post I had been working on for about a month and now I can't find it. Not like it was anything important, or stuff that ya'll don't know...but I spent LOTS of time on it.

I'm bored, can't start anything important due to Mom-sitting, so I'm going back reading my blog. What a boring life I lead...and I love it!

That's all she wrote (for this 5 minutes).

The Beaches Of Cheyenne

I know, at some point in my life, I'll be greatful for the times I got to Mom-sit, but right now, I just DON'T want to! Funny thing Mom said this morning "Suck face, suck face, sucky face...that means they are kissing WAY to long." She just cracks me up sometimes! She doesn't know what day it is or where Dad & Jo are right now...but dare try to tell her she's in her world.

I've been killing time watching Making The Band 3 today. Stupid show, stupid T. Makes me cry. I'm such a nut.

About bowling was a week ago today...but I've been busy! Ding dong the witch is dead!!!!! I'm SO glad to be done bowling! Okay...I'm not glad to be done bowling, cause I like bowling and I'll miss it...but I'm SO OVERJOYED to be done bowling with P! It sucked SO bad this year, to be on a "team" with her, when I can't stand her. Seriously, I tried time after time to be cordial and she just couldn't do the same in return. I'm glad I'm done with her and her negativity, one less stresser in my life! YAY! Some people see it as a sad thing that such a great friendship is over...but it was a long time in the making and breaking. I'd rather be best friends with my cat before I hang out with such a negative, poor pity pot me, the world is out to get me, I take no responsiblity for anything, person again! When the sheet was going around to sign up to bowl or not next year, she didn't even say 2 words about it to me. DAMN IT! I wanted the pleasure of telling her to go screw herself! Anyone that bowls with her, I feel sorry for them. When we were done bowling, she was whispering to another lady on the league that might not be bowling next year to see if she could take her spot. The lady's husband was PISSED that she was doing that. Cracked me up. You suck at bowling, you take it WAY to serious, and you aren't fun...why would they want to bowl with you? Not that I'm good or anything...but yeah. You seriosuly, have NO idea just how HAPPY I am about this! It took SO much out of me to just NOT quick all year long! If it wasn't for Shell, I doubt I would have been able to stick it out! Bowling isn't done...we bowl again next Saturday for "FUN NIGHT" so I'll have to deal with her...but not really. We don't bowl with our teams or anything. It should work out that I bowl on the same lanes as Shell. YAY! BUT the secertary of the league gets to organize it and since P is the secertary, I don't doubt she'll do whatever she can so Shell & I aren't near each other.

More about Pat's prayer...we know it involves 3 things. It involves asking for things. Jo...I told you what it was before. Do you remember YET?

T out.

Friday, May 06, 2005


Bloggy bloggy blog. Hi bloggy bloggy blog. I'm so bored and tired. I'm on the phone with SML right now, so I can't really blog...cause we all know I can't do 2 things at once.

Off the phone, so I can type now...I'm in such a yucky mood that I want to hide from myself. Brain is just overloaded with a bunch of NOTHING!

I won't be going to Bill's funeral tomorrow. I'm not happy about it, but I have to Mom-sit. I don't want to Mom-sit at all. I'm not in a mentally healthy place that I need to be in, in order to Mom-sit. Add in that Saturday is the ONLY day I get to slepe in...and I have to be up at 08:20. I know, I'll live to talk about it.

The wedding shower tonight wasn't as bad as it could have been. One of the girls that is part of David's Friends...decided that ERob or Jo will be the next shower the church will be throwing...I think she meant ERob & Jo. The one that made the comment is part of the "I'm going to be single forever" club with me!

More on Pat's prayer...(Pat is ERob's mom) Pat's prayer has 3 parts.

T out.

If You Don't Know Me By Now

My little green midget machine is 4 weeks old today and has 2900+ miles on it already! EEEKKK! When my Dad told me I drive about 3K a month, I thought he was blowing it out of proportion!

Off to silly wedding shower for sillier 17 year olds.

T out.

Like A Pimp

I surely proved I am a girl yesterday! My emotions were all over the damn sky. Reason #298 I hate being a girl!

I can't find my brown belt! AHHHHHHHHHH! Jo, if you touched it your dead.

5th cousin, 27th cousin...same thing.

T out.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

As Far A I Know

I am really *sick* of everything reminding me of ST! I was just carrying my DVD's upstairs (Mom was borrowing them...the joys of getting her a new toy) and on top of the pile was "Gone With The Wind." Why does that movie remind me of ST? I really don't know, maybe because he bought it for me. When Jo & I went up north a few weeks ago, so much reminded me of him...SO much. Memorial Day Weekend is coming up and that was OUR weekend!

I haven't talked to ST at all, in over a week. Every day, I think I should call him because I want us to be friends, but yet, I just can't. I feel like I'm interfering in something, somewhere I don't belong (he tells me that's not the case at all..but its just how I feel). With time, T...with time, I know us being friends is a real possiblity...but I have to deal with it when/how I want, not how/when others want me to! Some days are easier for me to work on us being friends then others...I must do what is best for me!

Chelle, Blondie & I were talking about me dating. Seems the whole world wants me to date. As much as I don't like being single, I'm don't know that I'm ready to date. Besides the fact, that I don't know how to date (dating = being social, which I'm NOT)...I've got some stuff to workout within my head. With time...its all going to work out. Or, so I hope & pray...hopefully sooner rather then later.

So, now many months later, I still have issues & hang ups regarding the ST situation, makes me sad sometimes, but I look back on everything with such happiness, I wouldn't change the time we had together for the world. I'm crying as I write this (its been a crying day!), but I'm happy with my life! God doesn't give me more then I can handle, God proves me with what I need, God has a plan for me. I might not always understand God's plan...but it will happen, with time...God's time!

I find it interesting, that my Gma said today "She's not shy." I'm not shy really, but there is a delicate line between shy and sociaphobic!

Peace, love, & over analysis of everything to all!

So What

So, I spend some time at the funeral home this evening. My family just cracks me up. Is it odd that the story I have to share about the funeral home is entertaining (to me)? Should my story be sad?

Anyways...before I get to my story. The funeral home did a cool thing, all the photos that the family wanted put up on boards, they took and made a DVD slide show (and also put them up) so you could pull up a chair and watch this cool slide show to cool music. Neat-O! There were TONS of flowers too! TONS!!! The flowers from our family (my gardening crazed Aunt ordered the flowers, from her family, my family, and my grandparents) were VERY boring! All white! Gag! My Gpa is so silly. He thought that the flowers were $30 total...not $30 being his share! Obviously he hasn't bought my Gma flowers in the past 25 years or so!

So, I was telling my cousin Cindy (its her father's funeral) that this guy on the other side of the room is cute. She couldn't see clearly who it was. She'd find out. So, then awhile later...I hear my Gma going " is my Granddaughter, blah blah blah. She's not shy, I'll have her talk to him in a minute." I was watching the little slide show when my Gma comes and sits down by me and starts going on and on about this guy (the cute guy!). He's a EMT, blah blah blah. Cool...someone I can talk fires and blood & guts with! Great...I can go talk to him and actually have something to say! My Dad butts in..."Is he single?" Gma is like "Yes, he's single, he's a good Christian young man too, T. Everything you need." So, my Gma is going to introduce me to him. As were walking over there...she says, his name is Billy, that's his Dad right behind him. As I'm walking closer to him, I know him! Its my COUSIN! He's like my 27th cousin or something, but my cousin none the less! My Dad & Gma are trying to set me up with my COUSIN! (Billy's grandma & my gma are 1st cousins) So, him and I have a good chat about EMT junk, future blood, guts, and fire plans, talked about the last times we saw each other (about 1995 and summer of 1997). So, the cute one wasn't taken...but its my cousin! He's a good Christian kid too...well, maybe he has some friends.

So, Bill's funeral is Saturday. Mom isn't doing great tonight (not bad but its a downward slow), so she might not be able to go. If that's the case, I'll have to stay home with her. Jo didn't go to the viewing tonight, so she'll have to go Saturday.

Tomorrow, Jo & I get to go to a wedding shower. Who the heck has a wedding shower on a Friday night? Who the heck gets married at 17? Who the heck gets married at 17 when she isn't knocked up? No, he's not joining the service either. Crazy kids. Whatever works for them.

More later...I still have stuff to say about bowling and now, tupperware.

Off to pray Pat's prayer. Anyone want to know Pat's prayer?

That's all she wrote.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Stand By Me

Life sucks sometimes, death sucks even more.

During American Idol, we got a phone call. When the caller ID popped up on the TV screen, I think we all knew what it was. My cousin Bill passed away. Bill was in his mid-80's. He's my Gma's 1st cousin, but we are pretty close to his family. Bill was the last old country relative my Gma had left, so I know she's just heartbroken. Bill lived a good full life, but doesn't mean I'm not sad. I hate doing the family reunion gig via funeral homes. RIP Cousin Bill!

I have more to blog about...but I don't feel like it, my mind is consumed with the above news.

That's all she wrote.

Sweet Sixteen

This sucks ass! I am sick. Every last part of me is SICK! My whole body aches, I'm freezing and sweating, I've got cramps, I feel like I'm going to vomit, my head hurts, etc. Add on I can't sleep. I'm a real gem to deal with right now.

For some reason, I feel its stress if I only could put my finger on what has me so stressed. This better pass SOON. I don't have TIME for this!

I'm calling into work today, which sucks...but I'll live to talk about it. I'm going to have to work like three 10 hour days to make it up. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Big House

Go to BED! T...this post is directed at you. GO TO BED! You can blog about bowling later. Over 48 hours later and I still haven't blogged about bowling...but I will. Its so cool!

T out.

Maybe Baby

The Scott Saga

So, I promised my "All Scott's are jerks!" story...

Many moons ago now (late 1998), Shell, P, & I went to a local restuarant to meet up with this guy I had been talking to online. Now, I KNOW this guy's name is Scott...I've known this for many months now. We are all enjoying ourselves, just chit chatting and stuff. Then, in the course of the converstation, I say "All Scott's are jerks"...totally forgetting his name is Scott. The comment, I swear, was NOT directed at him. The comment was directed at ONE Scott, Shell's brother. Shell's brother Scott had been playing games with P, as far as I was concerned...and was just not treating her right...JERKBALL. The Scott we were hanging out with razzed me a little bit about the comment, but knew it wasn't directed at him.

The Scott that I said the comment to is one of the greatest guys in the world! He's one of the ones that is out to save man kind! He's truly one of the sweetest, funniest guys I've ever met in my life. P ended up dating him on and off for awhile. He's now serving this great country of ours, in the US Navy. I talk to him now and again. He rules and is not a jerk at all. Will I ever live that night/comment down, to him? NOPE!

Now, Shell's brother...that the comment was pertaining to. Well, he's still a jerkball now and again but he's been that way forever, he's not going to change and since I'm totally aware he thinks I'm a jerkball now and again too...its all good. Neither of us are going to change any time soon. Remember, he wouldn't pick on me, if he didn't like me...or something like that.

About 2 months after I made that "All Scott's are jerks" comment...I met this guy and fell madly in love. To this day, he's one of the people that I trust and respect the most in the world. He's one of those people I'd give a kidney for or take a bullet for. I post about him often. Anyone want to guess ST's first name?

On top of best bud, another one of the people I'd give a kidney to, my guy bud that I spend the most time with, the one that's going to marry me when I'm 35 and haven't found anyone else to deal with me...he's definitily not a jerk. Anyone want to take a stab at SML's first name?

That "All Scott's are jerks" comment has come to bite me in the ass time and time again. I've sworn to Shell, Cris, Chelle and Jess that I will NOT date another Scott. If I met a guy and he tells me his name is Scott...I'm just leaving the room.

So...All Scott's are JERKS...but I say that with love, of course!

That's all she wrote.

Salt Peanuts

So, I had 2 options of things to do this evening. I ended up doing NEITHER! Migraines think they are my friends but they really aren't! My head started REALLY hurting about 14:00 today...and has done nothing but get worse! I did all the normal things I do to cure a migraine and it just got WORSE!

Thankfully in about the past hour now...I took another high quality migraine pill and ate. So far...its still down and the migraine hopefully is on its way out the door FOR GOOD!

I wasn't feeling good at work this afternoon and one of the people that gets on my nerves the most (for lack of work ethic and just stupidity!) had to get snotty with me. Dude...seriously kid. Go screw yourself! I'm sick of people in that place doing nothing all the time, while I bust my ass. It amazes me, how my work ethic has improved! Comparing from Summer of 2002 until now...its just such a huge change! Heck, I called in almost every Friday that, I cry usually when I have to miss work!

SML & I talked some today. He says, his issues aren't with most of my activites being Church activities, he's just pissy because he misses me and isn't getting to spend that much time hanging out with me...cause I'm so cool. Okay, so he didn't say that last part.

Dad's really sick. Don't know what's going on for sure yet. Wonder if he's going to work tomorrow. I don't want to stay home if he is home (again). Then again...I just want to feel GREAT and be able to go to work. This is the first week of the month, tomorrow is Tuesday. Doctor day. I love getting my blood taken or so I pretend. What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger!

Peace, love, and anti-vomit pills to all.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Fried Ham


So, I decided to do my laundry tonight. Load #5 is almost done, and then I'm caught up and going to bed!

I was just going through the activities I have going on in the coming week and the next few months worth of weekends! Let me just say AHHHHHHHHHH! I know I do better mentally when I'm busy...but just AHHHHH! SML was getting snotty with me earlier about being busy...but that's life!

I think part of the reason SML was getting snotty (and he'lll NEVER admit this) is because he doesn't understand/like that most of my activities are Church related. Oh well. Its his loss and I'll continue to pray for him.

Jo & I have a new running joke. "Jo/ will we ever find good Christian husbands if we don't surround ourselves with good Christians?"

Lots of great stuff is happening within our Church right now. It appears that within the next 3 months we actually could be Church Building-less! That's such an AWESOME thing! There has been talk for YEARS now about building a new Church. We have the new property, but have to sell the current Church in order to afford the new Church. Well, it appears VERY likely that we will be getting an official bid on our Church tomorrow! YAY! So, we'll have to rent a school or something to hold Church for a while...until the new bigger/better Church is done! Its SO cool! As Elaine said today..."I'm SO geeked."

The title of this post "Fried Ham" is a great song! The song should really be screamed, not really sung. The words go...

Fried ham, fried ham...
Cheese & balonga
And after the macaroni...
Well have some more fried ham.
Fried ham, fried ham!

Church camp, anyone that's ever been to Church camp in their lives, I need not say any more!

T out.

The Water Is Wide

I hate being a female! Seriously! At least, I know why I felt so tired/crappy the latter part of last week...but I HATE BEING A GIRL!

Off to Church.

That's all she wrote.


I feel like I don't have time to breathe very often lately...let alone blog.

I've had a pretty fun weekend. My friends rule! Shell is my Hitch. LOL. She made me (okay she didn't MAKE me...but ya know) talk to people of the opposite sex (that I don't KNOW) on Friday night and I lived to talk about it. She also managed to make ME turn the BRIGHTEST shade of red, earlier in the night. We were standing in her brother's kitchen with about 10 people including her neighbor and she starts talking about setting me up with her neighbors son. Yep, I was red and trying to find a table to crawl under. I'm didn't think I was a shy person, but apparently I am. Since when did I become shy?

My nephews are here for the weekend. They crack me up. We went roller skating yesterday. Yes...roller SKATING at the SKATING RINK! Old school! It was a blast! Yes, I fell. ONCE but it was Jo's fault!

This coming week, I have Tuesday & Thursday free (so far)...maybe I'll get to do laundry then. If I don't invent time for laundry soon, I'm going to be running around naked and that's not a pretty sight. I think I need to start using my planner again or something. There is WAY to much going on right now and I'm going to forget something! AHHHHHHHHHH.

It's Sunday and I want a nap. Sunday and naps go hand in bread and butter or peanut butter and jelly or salt and pepper. You get the idea.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

T out.